Procedure to upload photos
- Go to the Media tab
- Click Add New Media File
- Upload file
- Add the tag FLYMM# to the title where:
- F is first initial
- L is last initial
- Y is year (4)
- M is month
- # is a sequence number
Procedure to create monthly pages
- Create a page named in the format “year month title” where the title is either Competition or Show & Tell
- Edit with Elementor
- Add a H1 heading using the vertical orientation; add the page name; centered
- Then for each member:
- Add a H2 heading; add member name; centered
- For each of the member’s photos:
- Add a flexbox, direction horizontal
- Add an image; to choose an image, search on the tag (such as TM4, EL4, AH4, MW4 or JD4)
- Add a title for the image
- Publish
- From the menu at the left choose Pages then find the HOME PAGE page; add a link to the new page